Category: ReviewsBecky Varley-Winter reads six groundbreaking new pamphlets Anita Pati Dodo Provocateur The Rialto £6 Arji Manuelpillai Mutton Rolls Out-Spoken £7 Jennifer Lee Tsai Kismet Ignition Press £5 Lauren Garland Darling Broken Sleep £6 Miranda Peake Yellow Live Canon £7 Suna Afshan [...]
Category: ReviewsDanez Smith homie Chatto £10.99 homie, Danez Smith’s third poetry collection, is not called homie. Instead, a note on the title informs us that the poems – all 38 of them, spread across Chatto’s wide pages and wrapped in a fluorescent [...]
Category: ReviewsMatthew James Holman on two poets imagining the world to come Peter Gizzi Sky Burial: New & Selected Poems Carcanet £14.99 Sean Bonney Our Death Commune Editions $20 Commonly practised in the Himalayas and the autonomous regions of Tibet, a sky [...]
Category: ReviewsMary Jean Chan on three collections that centre female responses to history and trauma Mimi Khalvati Afterwardness Carcanet £9.99 Jacqueline Saphra Dad, Remember You Are Dead Nine Arches £9.99 Kate Noakes The Filthy Quiet Parthian £8.99 Afterwardness is Mimi Khalvati’s ninth poetry [...]
Category: ReviewsRishi Dastidar on three collections that offer varied responses in an age of crisis Mark Waldron Sweet, like Rinky-Dink Bloodaxe £9.95 Kei Miller In Nearby Bushes Carcanet £9.99 Richard Osmond Rock, Paper, Scissors Picador £10.99 I’m sure it’s something we’ve all [...]
Category: ReviewsPhoebe Clarke on two morally searching, oracular books Ilya Kaminsky Deaf Republic Faber £10.99 Ariana Reines A Sand Book Tin House $24.95 ‘There are exercises in the spiritual sense,’ wrote Paul Celan. ‘And then there are, at every lyrical street corner, [...]
Category: ReviewsKate Potts reads three collections that focus on reclaimed and reimagined voices Jane Yeh Discipline Carcanet £9.99 Julia Copus Girlhood Faber £14.99 J O Morgan Assurances Cape £10.00 Jane Yeh’s third collection, Discipline, employs formal and structural games and constraints to explore [...]
Category: ReviewsNisha Ramayya outlines the political stakes in poetry at the intersection of feminism and the occult Francesca Lisette sub rosa: The Book of Metaphysics Boiler House Press £10 MacGillivray The Gaelic Garden of the Dead Bloodaxe £12 Rebecca Tamás Witch Penned [...]
Category: ReviewsRoy McFarlane, The Healing Next Time (Nine Arches Press, £9.99) Terrance Hayes, American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin (Penguin, £9.99) By the time this review is published, it’s a near certainty that another person of colour in the [...]
Category: ReviewsRachael Allen, Kingdomland (Faber, £10.99) Sophie Robinson, Rabbit (Boiler House Press, £10) A K Blakemore, Fondue (Offord Road Books, £10) Rachael Allen’s Kingdomland is a dream sequence, nightmarish and visionary, replete with apostles burning, forests burning and boundaries (both physical and metaphorical) [...]
Category: ReviewsVictoria Adukwei Bulley appreciates three debut collections that understand the weight of language Raymond Antrobus The Perseverance Penned in the Margins £9.99 Zaffar Kunial Us Faber £10.99 Sohini Basak we live in the newness of small differences Eyewear £10.99 It [...]
Category: ReviewsThree seductive, political first collections Richard Scott Soho Faber £10.99 Abigail Parry Jinx Bloodaxe £9.95 Leah Umansky The Barbarous Century Eyewear £10.99 Sometimes when I feel like punishing myself I have a small think about what poetry is. This thinking [...]
Category: ReviewsSophie Collins Who is Mary Sue? Faber £10.99 Oli Hazzard Blotter Carcanet £9.99 Sophie Collins’s début collection Who is Mary Sue? assembles many different types of text – poetry (both lineated and prose poetry), prose (part essay, part notation), quotations, [...]
Category: ReviewsAsha Lul Mohamud Yusuf The Sea-Migrations/Tahriib (Translated by Clare Pollard, with Said Jama Hussein and Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’) Bloodaxe £12.00 Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf is a contemporary Somali poet who has lived in exile in Britain for twenty-five years. Despite [...]
Category: ReviewsMervyn Morris Peelin Orange: Collected Poems Carcanet £14.99 Lorna Goodison Collected Poems Carcanet £14.99 I first encountered poems by Mervyn Morris and Lorna Goodison over twenty years ago, at a time when I was living in a rural town in [...]
Category: ReviewsEd Atkins A Primer for Cadavers Fitzcarraldo £12.99 Ed Atkins is known as an artist, not at all as a poet, so he’s not an obvious candidate for the review pages of a poetry magazine – but then I started [...]