Summer 2020
Issue 96
Physical magazine. Includes free UK shipping.
The Summer 2020 issue contains translations from Italian, Russian and Slovak, poems from American poets Maya C Popa and Jennifer Militello, a long poem by Michael Symmons Roberts, and new work by Michael Longley, Rachael Boast, John McCullough, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin and Raymond Antrobus, among many, many others. Newcomers to the magazine include Oakley Flanagan, Annie Schumacher, Daisy Thomas and James Connor Patterson.
In this issue’s featured essay, the recent Forward Prize winner Stephen Sexton explores the shifting landscape of elegy. Our other prose feature sees Victoria Adukwei Bulley interview Natalie Diaz, in a rich conversation about form, language, embodiment and basketball. Meanwhile in reviews, Mary Jean Chan reads three new collections that centre female responses to trauma, and Matthew James Holman salutes the ‘energised despair’ of Peter Gizzi and Sean Bonney.
Discover more from this issue…
Martha Sprackland talks to James Conor Patterson
From These Feelings of Futurelessness
Editorial by Martha Sprackland
I Stayed Inside A Known City
Daisy Thomas
Matters which seemed beyond her comprehension
Stav Poleg
Pavol Janík
Scott McKendry
Tombs in the Sky
Geneviève Paiement
Summer, an Open Throat
John McCullough
Flower of Sulphur
Rachael Boast
Passing Through
Michael Longley
Another Sandpipe
Vicki Feaver
Watching Pigeons
Nur Turkmani
Corrado Govoni
The Drunkard
Claudine Toutoungi
hunter forager
Maya C Popa
The Owl
Alycia Pirmohamed
This Place Where We Make Things
Oakley Flanagan
Luisa Muradyan
The Stalin Prize
Raymond Antrobus
The Mystic
James Conor Patterson
Dead Cat Bounce
Annie Schumacher
Bulls in the Vineyard
Jennifer Militello
Love in the Post-God Age
Prototype Diagnosis
Michael Symmons Roberts
Jee Leong Koh
The Art Director
Supriya Kaur Dhaliwal
For Vincent van Gogh; from Q-Park, Museumplein
Edward Doegar
After After Remainder
Maria Stepanova
‘Tear tears along’
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin
Alamgir Hashmi
Holly Hopkins
Bethany W Pope
Baby Screen
Notes on Contributors
Reviews and Features
The Changing Mountain
Stephen Sexton on elegy
A Taste, a Touch, a Want
Natalie Diaz talks to Victoria Adukwei Bulley
Language as Experience
Chrissy Williams on Astrid Alben, Matthew Caley and Vahni Capildeo
To Prime a Palimpsest
Mary Jean Chan on Mimi Khalvati, Jacqueline Saphra and Kate Noakes
How can words ever mean enough?
Patrick James Errington on Tamar Yoseloff, Rachel Mann and Keiran Goddard
Transmembered Norms
Stephanie Sy-Quia on Janette Ayachi, Carlos Andrés Gómez and Will Harris
Icons of Conscience
Becky Varley-Winter on Fran Lock and Steev Burgess, Scherezade Siobhan and Nisha Ramayya
Homes in Wind and Flame
Khairani Barokka on three works of mobility and precarity
We Could Be Heroes
Jonathan Edwards on Paul Muldoon and James Tate
Intuited Borders
Emily Hasler on Laura Scott, Rowland Bagnall and Juana Adcock
From These Feelings of Futurelessness
Matthew James Holman on Peter Gizzi and Sean Bonney