Online Exclusive
Averse Miscellany: The New Poetry, Part 2 of 2
Camille Ralphs
Literary canons are fickle beasts and in this exciting new column for Poetry London, Camille Ralphs asks whether some of these ejections have been just, and what the poets themselves might have done to warrant them. You may read Part [...] -
Online Exclusive
(Good) Person Poems
Rory Waterman
Rory Waterman offers a stirring op-ed on the negative effects of superficial do-goodery and inadvertent self-flattery on contemporary poetry and how such tendencies often simplify moral and intellectual complexities to the detriment of the art being produced. The host lets [...] -
Online ExclusiveCategory: EditorialsFor the current editorial team, the experience of putting together Poetry London 100 has been exciting and humbling in equal measure. There’s something arbitrary about participating in such a milestone – a happy accident of timing, though you’d be kidding [...]
AnnouncementCategory: EventsWe are delighted to share the details of our programme of events outside London to celebrate the publication of our 100th issue this autumn. Please click on the links below for further details, and to book your ticket. Saturday Oct [...]
Online Exclusive
Gaps in the Wall: Tarn MacArthur on forms of belonging and unbelonging in two South African poets
Tarn MacArthur
The best poetry of place is a poetry of negative capability; of intimacy leveraged not to cement a totalising perspective but to recast a vision of the world from a slant that reveals certain complexities and truths that have gone [...] -
Online ExclusiveCategory: InterviewsSohini Basak: Ever since the pandemic broke out, I’ve so often come face to face with the inadequacy of words while grieving or trying to console a loved one. In that context, thank you so much for writing Outgoing Vessel, [...]
From the Archive
From the Archive
Category: News
Poetry London has announced the appointment of Isabelle Baafi as its new Assistant Editor. Isabelle Baafi is a writer, poet, editor, and critic from London.
From the Archive
Category: EventsSaturday 23rd October 2021, 7–8.30pm Southbank Centre, Royal Festival Hall, Level 5 Function Room Tickets £7 Join us for a stellar line-up of poets as we celebrate Poetry London’s 100th issue. This event draws on the illustrious 33-year history of the magazine’s [...]
Category: Podcasts
This episode features performances by Joy Harjo and Lewis MacAdams, as well as an inside look into the medium of Instapoetry, as well as tribute to the poet and critic Colin Falck (1934-2020).
Online ExclusiveCategory: ReviewsSupriya Kaur Dhaliwal The Yak Dilemma Makina Books, £10 Supriya Kaur Dhaliwal’s debut collection, The Yak Dilemma, is composed of odes to – and eulogies for – landscapes: she is often unanchored in the present, but commits these coordinates to [...]
Online ExclusiveCategory: ReviewsSarah Lasoye Fovea / Ages Ago Hajar Press £10 The problem with the passage of time is that we can never see beyond the moment we occupy. Our desires and experiences can cloud our understanding of what constitutes past, present [...]
Online Exclusive
Averse Miscellany: The New Poetry, Part 1 of 2
Camille Ralphs
Camille Ralphs Literary canons are fickle beasts and in this exciting new column for Poetry London, Camille Ralphs asks whether some ejections from the English-speaking canon have been just, and what the poets themselves might have done to warrant them. [...] -
A Strategy of Response: Degna Stone reads a work about race, power and the ethics of conversation
Degna Stone
Claudia Rankine Just Us: An American Conversation Allen Lane £25.00 The epigraph to Just Us, the third instalment of Claudia Rankine’s clinical exploration of the US in the context of race, quotes Richard Pryor: ‘You go down there looking for justice, [...]