Summer 2024
Issue 108
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The Summer 2024 issue, the first of new editor Niall Campbell, contains poetry by Michael Longley, Ian Humphreys, Isobel Dixon, Annemarie Ní Churreáin, Helen Mort, and more. The issue also has mini features on the subject of ‘work’, that aim to make connections between the jobs done by poets and its impact on their writing. For the first time, Poetry London is also proud to partner with the Society of Authors to showcase poetry by this year’s recipients of the Eric Gregory Award. Also featured are translations of Laura Wittner by Juana Adcock, Jason Allen-Paisant‘s Stanza Poetry Festival lecture, prose from Joey Connolly, reviews, and an interview between Jennifer Lee Tsai and Hala Alyan.
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Online Exclusive
Averse Miscellany: The Translation Itself
Camille Ralphs
Niall Campbell Editorial
- A Selection of Poems & a Story, Burials Birds of Paradise / Pilgrimage, Wreath / Bequests / Feather, Turnstone / A Review / The Following Day
- Ben Lawers
- Emily’s Tree
- A un dios desconocido / Kayak
- Nursing & Poetry / During the pandemic, I tell my lover I can no longer be a nurse, and he writes 言霊 on my arm / Mebuyan teases Hermes
- Anatolian Notebook
- Hyperbole and Catastrophe / In Which the Doctor Recommends a Failsafe Action Plan, In Which I Can’t Bestir Myself to Care, In Which I Breathe a Finer Atmosphere
- In the Company of Trees / Foreign Matter
- Holy Communion in The New State / Confessional / Folklore Of The New State
- Poetry and the Work We Do / Dear monarchs, t h e g o l d f i n c h e s
- Constellation
- Just One Ways of Knowing
- old country
- A Ghazal Born from Clay
- You, bystander to the events, walk through the forest
- An Extract from Tequila Sunrise
- Heatstroke
- On the House
- Wildlife / Context
- Crustacean / There Are No Houses In The Future
- The Size of a Hazelnut
- An extract from Drunk Daddy’s Girl
- The Camp
- 1992
- I was born
- Signs, Music / The New father
Selected Essays & Reviews
- Isabelle Baafi On Remembering and Resistance
- Jason Allen-Paisant All people must be able to write about the birds. On poetry and the sensorium of catastrophe
- Joey Connolly A Pretext for Desire. On poetry and the diary form as seedbeds for the formation of working-class masculine identity
- Jennifer Lee Tsai interviews Hala Alyan The Sacred Act of Remembering
- Jack Belloli Garlands of History. On three collections that use inventive modes to interrogate and envision beyond imperial violence
- Lucy Mercer History Felt Like This. On two folkoric collections that reflect on violence and collectivity
- Tom Branfoot ‘Ghosting the Mother Land’. On three poets whose lyricism and forms reconfigure sociohistorical terrains
- Erin Cunningham Lessons in Connectivity. On three collections whose explorations of landscape and desire offer new forms of connection
- Chris Cusack Mapping Grief. On three collections that navigate grief across landscapes and generational divides
- Maia Elsner Belonging as Resistance. On three collections that chart migratory routes toward empathy and liberation
- Sylee Gore I Am Not Quite Myself. On three collections that trace the convolutions of identity in the wake of personal discovery