Summer 2019
Issue 93
Physical magazine. Includes free UK shipping.
The Summer 2019 issue features new poems from Abigail Parry, American poets: Timothy Donnelly and Angie Estes, French poets: Valérie Rouzeau and Heather Dohollau, and also features UK poets Denise Riley, Helen Mort, Jack Underwood and Ahren Warner, among others.
Newcomers to the magazine include Alice Hiller, Barbara Barnes and Annemarie Austin. David Wheatley explores the pleasures and problems of forgotten poets in the issue’s feature essay, while Amy Key discusses snoring, Catholic education and Elizabeth Taylor with Chelsey Minnis.
In reviews, we cover new work by Rachael Allen, Michael Hofmann, Terrance Hayes and Kate Potts.
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Online Exclusive
Online Exclusive
Forms of Oppression: Nasser Hussain on transatlantic collections that expose violence and the racial imaginary
Editorial by Martha Kapos
Dead Ringers
Abigail Parry
The Swords
William C Blome
Angie Estes
Poem to be Read with a Torah Pointer
Toby Martinez de las Rivas
The Horse in the Tree
The Horse in the Rain
Pascale Petit
Indian Roller
Denise Riley
Beggars of Life
Hisham Bustani
The storyteller’s final hours
Tim Dooley
Ian Cartland
backbone sandy day
Helen Mort
The Catalogue of Errors
Alice Hiller
from spectroscope
Ahren Warner
from Customer Feedback
Valérie Rouzeau
Five Poems from Sens averse
Jack Underwood
This Has No Sound
Annemarie Austin
Heather Dohollau
from A Painter
from Family Portraits
Timothy Donnelly
Cursum Perficio
The Death of Truth
Drew Milne
Distal Shelf Setting
Bulb of Percussion
Moniza Alvi
from Fairoz
Barbara Barnes
Notes on Contributors
Reviews and Features
Lost Poets
David Wheatley on canons, exclusions and the quicksand of oblivion
Material Lacquer
Chelsey Minnis talks to Amy Key
‘I was one burnt daughter in a genealogy’
Sarah Cave on Rachael Allen, Sophie Robinson and A K Blakemore
Nowhere to Arrive
André Naffis-Sahely on José Olivarez and Jenny Xie
Declan Ryan on Kathleen Jamie and Ciaran Carson
A Weatherless World
Kate Noakes on Ruth Padel, Michael Hofmann and Carrie Etter
Beatitudes from the Brink
Maria Apichella on Fiona Benson and Chris McCabe
Forms of Oppression
Nasser Hussain on Roy McFarlane and Terrance Hayes
Crisis Management
Ed Luker on Nat Raha, Verity Spott and Lisa Jeschke
Wanda O’Connor on THREADS
Between the Animate and Inanimate
Dzifa Benson on Harry Josephine Giles, Kit Fan and Kate Potts