Category: ReviewsOlio Tyehimba Jess Wave $25 Tyehimba Jess’s second collection Olio is a beautiful rendering of minstrel performers post-slavery. Jess and Wave Books have deliberately cultivated a coffee-table art book effect in which the book’s scale, typography and illustrations are woven [...]
Category: ReviewsBen Lerner The Hatred of Poetry Fitzcarraldo, £9.99 My two-year-old daughter has a frustrating habit of asking for orange juice, then objecting to every way she might drink it. The juice is right, the cup and bottle are wrong. The juice [...]
Category: ReviewsLuke Kennard Cain Penned in the Margins £12.99 Helen Mort No Map Could Show Them Chatto £10.00 In 2006 Luke Kennard held a funeral for irony. Commemorated in ‘A Sure-Fire Sign’, a poem from The Migraine Hotel, this ‘LOVING RHETORICAL [...]
Category: ReviewsClaudia Rankine Citizen Penguin £9.99 Citizen, Claudia Rankine’s most recent collection, opens in understated fashion: ‘When you are alone and too tired even to turn on any of your devices, you let yourself linger in a past stacked among your pillows’. [...]
Category: ReviewsShuntarō Tanikawa New Selected Poems (translated by William I Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura) Carcanet £12.99 ‘Giving people poems / is like giving people air’ writes Tanikawa in 1991. And this wonderful new selection feels as light, fresh, vital as air – [...]
Category: ReviewsPeter Riley Due North Shearsman £9.95 Blake Morrison Shingle Street Chatto £10.00 In a recent New Statesman article, naturalist and environmental activist Mark Cocker described a subtle shift in British nature writing, evidenced in the popularity of books like Helen [...]
Category: ReviewsJH Prynne Poems Bloodaxe £25.00 For dent inflict yet amuse enamel will livid exceed tactic nursing humid loss, nolore even alert at numb unwind entry. Level ground pacific inversion has wasted trapper, has few slicks. Run out portal upper What [...]
Category: ReviewsDrew Milne on the revived reputation of Nicholas Moore Nicholas Moore Selected Poems (edited by John Lucas and Matthew Welton with an introduction by Mark Ford) Shoestring £14.99 Amid the scrambled history of neo-modernist revivals, the case for rediscovering Nicholas Moore [...]
Category: ReviewsDavid Wheatley on a new anthology of Early Irish poetry Maurice Riordan (Editor) The Finest Music: An Anthology of Early Irish Lyrics Faber £14.99 Seamus Heaney was not the first Ulster poet to travel south to my native County Wicklow. [...]
Category: ReviewsMichael Hulse divides the Mariannes from the Sylvias David Harsent Fire Songs Faber £12.99 Ruth Padel Learning to Make an Oud in Nazareth Chatto £10.00 Roddy Lumsden Not All Honey Bloodaxe £8.95 One way of thinking about the differences and [...]
Category: ReviewsSue Rose Heart Archives Hercules Editions, £10 Richard O’Brien The Emmores The Emma Press, £5 Harry Man Lift tall-lighthouse, £5 Holly Hopkins Soon Every House Will Have One Smith/Doorstop, £5 Ben Wilkinson For Real Smith/Doorstop, £5 Kate White The Old [...]
Category: ReviewsLavinia Greenlaw A Double Sorrow: Troilus and Criseyde Faber £16.99 Patience Agbabi Telling Tales Canongate £14.99 Both A Double Sorrow and Telling Tales borrow their basic frame from works by Chaucer. But compared with other, closer translations of medieval texts [...]
Category: ReviewsCaleb Klaces on the improbable range of Christopher Middleton’s work Christopher Middleton Collected Later Poems Carcanet, £25.00 Christopher Middleton’s Collected Later Poems begins with something missing. The first poem, ‘For Preface a Lacuna’, has lost Saint Francis. Francis left his [...]
Category: ReviewsPeter Robinson on the aspirations of Derek Mahon’s ‘adaptations’ Derek Mahon Echo’s Grove Gallery, €22.50/€13.90 Derek Mahon’s ‘Echo’, subtitled ‘from the Latin of Ovid, Metamorphoses III, 356-402’, begins by explaining how she ‘can’t speak first but answers back’ and concludes: ‘the [...]
Category: ReviewsChrissy Williams Flying Into The Bear HappenStance £4.00 Fiona Moore The Only Reason for Time HappenStance £4.00 Tim Liardet Madame Sasoo Goes Bathing Shoestring £7.00 Shazea Quraishi The Courtesans Reply Flipped Eye £4.00 Ian Parks The Cavafy Variations Rack £5.00 [...]
Category: ReviewsClare Pollard Ovid’s Heroines Bloodaxe £9.95 Kate Tempest Brand New Ancients Picador £9.99 Ovid’s Heroides, written some time between 25 and 16 BCE, was pretty groundbreaking stuff. A series of verse letters from fifteen women from Greek and Roman [...]