Spring Launch Readings at Kings Place

Thursday 13 February, 7pm
Join us for the first Poetry London reading of the new decade! The launch of the Spring issue features live readings from Rishi Dastidar, Emily Hasler, Martha Kapos and Joe Dunthorne. Come along to hear some of the magazine’s most distinguished contributors reading their poems.
Rishi Dastidar is a fellow of The Complete Works, a consulting editor at The Rialto magazine, a member of Malika’s Poetry Kitchen, and chair of writer development organisation Spread The Word. A poem from his debut collection Ticker-tape was included in The Forward Book of Poetry 2018. A pamphlet, the break of a wave, was published by Offord Road Books in 2019, and he is also editor of The Craft: A Guide to Making Poetry Happen in the 21st Century (Nine Arches Press). His second collection, Saffron Jack, will be published in the UK in March 2020 by Nine Arches Press.
Emily Hasler’s debut collection, The Built Environment, was published by Pavilion Poetry in 2018. She has been a Hawthornden Fellow and received an Eric Gregory Award in 2014. A pamphlet, Natural Histories, was published by Salt in 2011. Born in Suffolk, she has ended up back there by a meandering route, and now lives beside her adored Stour. She works with beers, birds and books.
Martha Kapos taught at the Chelsea College of Art before joining Poetry London in 2001. My Nights in Cupid’s Palace (Enitharmon 2003) was a Jerwood/Aldeburgh First Collection Prize winner and received a Special Commendation from the Poetry Book Society. Her following two collections from Enitharmon in 2008 and 2014 were Poetry Book Society Recommendations. The 2019 summer issue of Poetry London was her final issue as Poetry Co-Editor before her retirement.
Joe Dunthorne was born and grew up in Swansea. He is the author of three novels: Submarine, Wild Abandon and The Adulterants. His first collection of poems, O Positive, was published by Faber & Faber last year.