Poetry London is a leading international magazine, where new names share pages with acclaimed contemporary poets. We also publish a wide range of poetry in translation.
The magazine is published in March, June and October. We receive a vast amount of submissions, so reading can take up to three months, and if your work is shortlisted, maybe even longer. You might find it helpful to read the magazine first, to see if your work is suitable.
The Poetry London Prize
The Poetry London Prize is a major, internationally renowned award for a single outstanding poem. Previous winners include Liz Berry, Niall Campbell, Romalyn Ante and Richard Scott.
The Poetry London Pamphlet Prize
The Poetry London Pamphlet Prize will help writers of all backgrounds and ages who are ready to take their work to the next level via publication with Poetry London Editions, the magazine’s new imprint.
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Apprenticeship Scheme
Generously funded by The Fenton Arts Trust and Arts Council England, this is a scheme for talented emerging poets, of any age, who will each be matched with a prominent poet with proven experience in supporting the work of other writers.
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Current vacancies to join the Poetry London team will be displayed here—to ensure you keep up to date with future opportunities sign up to our mailing list below. We particularly welcome applications from candidates from groups or backgrounds which are currently underrepresented in publishing.
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