
Current Issue
Spring 2025 • Issue 110
The Spring 2025 issue includes new poems by featured author Vidyan Ravinthiran, as well as new work by Daljit Nagra, Vona Groarke, Paul Farley, Moniza Alvi, Alan Gillis, and Karen McCarthy Woolf. This exciting issue also introduces a vital prose piece by Jennifer Lee Tsai on the work of Julia Kristeva. Hasti and Oluwaseun Olayiwola jointly review the collection Adam by Gboyega Odubanjo. The reviews section contains criticism by Zakia Carpenter-Hall, Patrick Romero McCafferty, Katrina Naomi, and more.
Poetry London is an arts charity and leading international poetry magazine where acclaimed contemporary poets share pages with exciting new names.

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Its eclectic international editorial vision makes Poetry London one of the very best, essential poetry magazines in English.
Steve BergEditor, American Poetry Review
Celebrating Survival
Zakia Carpenter-Hall
Content warning: child loss In Agimat, Romalyn Ante’s speaker – which is presumably a version of herself – wrestles to claim love, beauty, and the ‘magic of words’ in the midst of harrowing circumstances: working as a nurse on the [...] -
Poetry London spreads its net wide to include the latest from Europe, America and other parts of the world: work by new poets and established ones … It’s one of the best poetry magazines around.
Ciaran Carson
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The Poetry London Podcast
The Poetry London Podcast is produced by the team at Poetry London. It is presented by our poetry editor André Naffis-Sahely and supported by Aminata Sow, our production assistant.
Episode 2: Spring 2022
After taking a break last year as we took Poetry London on tour around the UK to celebrate the publication of PL’s 100th issue, we’re happy to be back with the second episode of the Poetry London Podcast. This episode features readings by poets Chris McCabe, Romalyn Ante, and Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin.